Explore the Gap is a series of workshops where two generations work together to create a short comic. The workshops are inspired by the Finnish artist Sanna Hukkanen, who will also lead the first workshops in the four countries the workshops will be held in: Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Denmark.
The overall theme of the workshops is inclusion and mutual understanding. Inclusion means the inclusion
of all people: all ages, all ethnic groups, all minorities, all religions, all genders and all sexual preferences, etc. And mutual understanding in this context means that our goal is that all participants understand, accept, and recognizes that we are all part of this globalized world we live in.
The project is supported by the Nordic Culture Foundation and Nordic Culture Contact and is carried out in collaboration with Antirasistiska Filmdagar in Sweden, Norpas in Finland and the Finno-Ugric Film Festival in Estonia.
Salaam Film & Dialog
Vermundsgade 38E, 2.sal
2100 København Ø
CVR: 28164297
Tlf: 32 118 188 / 32 118 288
Or you can find contact information for all partners if you go to their part of the website.